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The proposed training scheme aims to increase the athlete's power to improve his vertical jump. The athlete will have to undergo this training three times a week on the days when he doesn't have to train in the gym and away from competitions, say at the end of the season, for about a month with boosters during the year.


The exercises are performed in this order:


leg extensions

leg curls

leg presses

calf raises

for each exercise you must perform a pyramid of sets consisting of:

warm-up (warm-up) of 16 repetitions with a weight that allows comfortable and precise execution

10-12 repetitions

7-9 repetitions

4-6 repetitions

warm-down (cool down) 10-12

Sets other than the warm-up must be performed with the maximum weight that allows the entire set to be performed

number of repetitions and in the correct way.

Each set must be conducted until exhaustion so if you are able to perform more repetitions

at the end of the set you will have to increase the weight.

In the warm-down the primary objective is to take care of the correctness of the movement.

Adequate rest between sets will be required to allow for the next set to be performed

to the fullest extent possible.

The execution technique must be perfect.

For squats you need to keep your back straight (never arch your back) and head up in order to have a horizontal gaze

then bend the knees until there is an angle between the body and the ground of approximately 90°; do not bend your knees any further

this threshold as this would increase the chances of injury and does not even help your performance predictions

vertical since greater angles are never used during the game.

The movement is concluded by the ascent to the initial position.

The movement must be continuous and you must not lock your knees in the lower position but you must immediately go back up completing

the movement continuously.

The speed of the descent is not important but the speed of ascent is rather important: you have to go back up as fast as possible

to obtain an explosive movement, obviously the speed must be such as to allow you to perform the exercise correctly

and safely.

In leg extension the flexion must not exceed 90° and it is vital not to lock the knee in the position of maximum extension.

Also in the leg curl, do not flex the knee beyond 90° and never lock the joint.

In the calf rise take a short break before getting off.

Always use a back belt and proper technique and never do these types of workouts without strength

your legs in advance with a period in the gym ranging from 6 months a year.

Remember to always warm up with at least five minutes of cardio activity (running, step exercise bike) and always remember to do

stretching of the muscles involved before each exercise.


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