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handball training 3-2-1 defense - base

3-2-1 defense - base

 AGE GROUP 12 - 18 years
TIME 15 min.              PARTICIPANTS 13 - 20 participants

Description of the exercise
In the exercise, 6 against 6 is played with a goalkeeper. The 3 offensive defenders line up around the 3-meter line, the 2 defenders line up right behind
3-meter line while the central defender stands just outside the 3-meter line. The last three defenders are inside the line and are
located centrally and on the two wings.
The attacking players are divided into the wing, line and back play positions and play basic games.
The offensive defenders move in a V-formation, so that they move to the ball side and advance when their direct opponent
has the ball. The other defenders move with the ball. The purpose is to stand compact and thus provide the opportunity to back the nearest
teammates up. It is very important that the defense works a lot with the arms up, to catch possible input to the line player.
The attacking players play the ball, after stamping, slowly around to the next attacking player. Do not finish against goals or run
transitions. For each pass, the defenders wear to their new positions in their triangle zone.
In transition games, the defense must make a choice. There is an opportunity to go offensive with the top three and bet on making game stops, stealing
the ball or provoke a foul pass. It is possible to continue playing either by packing the defense even more together there
where the ball is, or by the nearest defender following the transition and communicating this to teammates. Finally, there is the opportunity
to go defensive by making a flatter formation either 6-0 or 5-1

To train the defenders in their movements in 3-2-1 defense. To learn the connection with closest teammates.

Use the show-explain-show method. Do the exercise at 'go' pace and ask the players questions about what they do if ...

When the defenders make several stoppages, the rhythm destroys the attackers and conquers more balls. When they are related to the nearest
teammates and backs up.

Faster submissions and possibly with "free" passes. Allow the attackers to exit. Allow transitions and crossovers and explain what the players
must do. Train only with the 3 offensive players.
The exercise requires

Ball and pullovers


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